Healthcare Financial Management Association of Kentucky 2021 Virtual Conference

As the world has started to see some light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel with a decline in cases and the distribution of vaccines, employers and employees have begun to prepare for the return to the office. For some, that day cannot get here quick enough, for others, the idea of returning to an environment where flexibility is no longer a priority is dreadful. What considerations are there before making the decision to return to the office? Is it fair for all of us to judge remote work during a pandemic?
Strategies for Managing Remote Teams

This session will cover strategies for effectively managing remote teams. One of the most important strategies that managers are responsible for is their people. Your team members show up each day wanting to do a good job and wanting their contributions to positively impact the company. Managers need to provide the tools necessary for their employees to be successful. We will discuss some common challenges that organizations experience as it pertains to people and processes, as well as solutions for addressing those needs.
In this webinar you will learn: